Chennai (The Hawk): With the use of the "TracKD" app, the Tamil Nadu Police can now follow repeat criminals across the state's 39 districts and nine commissionrates. According to state police, the App has digitalized the information on 30,000 habitual offenders from across all districts and commissionarates.
According to sources in the state police, the digitalized App will have the most recent image of the chronic offender, his fingerprints, address, and a history of the crimes in which he or she was involved, as well as the most recent information on the status of the crimes.
The police will be able to track the state of their bail, the expiration of the bond given, the progress of the cases, and the trial dates with the aid of the app.
Additionally, the app will be able to track the criminal and the gang he belonged to, as well as the crime in which he participated. Also discussed will be the criminal's method of operation and the nature of the offence.
Senior police will be able to track the activities of habitual criminals in their particular jurisdictions with the use of the information in the app.
Police who are monitoring station-related actions can update the data on criminals and their information in the app, officers involved in developing the app informed IANS.
According to police sources who spoke to IANS, the app won't be a part of the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems and would have its own servers.
(Inputs from Agencies)